Knowledge Capitalism

TítuloKnowledge Capitalism
Tipo de PublicaciónArtículo en revista (divulgación)
Año de publicación2016
AutoresOrdóñez, Sergio, and Sánchez Carlos
MagazineWorld Review of Political Economy
Más información

Within a socio-spatial theoretical approach, Knowledge Capitalism is a new
capitalist phase of development emerging in the eighties of the 20th century, in which
knowledge valorization becomes the principal productive force of economic growth.
Globalization is understood as an essentially spatial concept, which refers to the spatial
dimension of Knowledge Capitalism, that takes place accordingly with a new socio-spatial
tendency in which it is the (global) geography of capital, which molds the geography of
national states, implying thus a new pattern of geographical uneven development. The
discussion of Gramscian hegemony concept is introduced to analyze the two hegemonic
projects actually struggling for a supranational supremacy: (1) the crisis of the neoliberal
project, which implies its own geopolitical economy spatiality; and (2) China, the BRICs,
and the Global South asymmetrical hegemonic project and its geopolitical economy
spatiality. Thus, globalization is an open process, which is actually and will be the result
of different forms of re-articulation and re-hierarchization of spatial scales, depending on
the hegemonic projects that prevail in the actual global struggle.